How is DLL hell problem solved - Part 7
Please click here to read the text version of DLL hell problem solution
Please click here to read the text version of DLL hell problem solution
1. .NET figures out what version is needed : Usually the information about the dependant assemblies is prese…
GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache and contains strong named assemblies. Assemblies in the GAC can be sha…
Strong naming an assembly or Signing an assembly with strong name. In .NET assemblies can be broadly classifi…
From Part 1 of DotNet basics videos, we understood that, compiling any .NET application would produce an asse…
Let us first understand how VB6 or C++ programs (Non Dotnet applications) used to execute. We know that compu…
Strings of type StringBuilder are mutable where as strings of type System.String are immutable. As StringBu…
To understand the difference consider the example below. The ToString () method, expects the instance on whic…
In this session, let's understand the difference between "==" operator and Equals() method. I…
Click here for the text article related to this video. Part 57 - C# Tutorial - Why should you override ToStri…
Generics are introduced in C# 2.0. Generics allow us to design classes and methods decoupled from the data ty…
In this session we will understand 1. Early binding and late binding 2. The difference between the two approa…