Mathematical functions in sql server - Part 29

In this video session, we will understand the commonly used mathematical functions in sql server like, Abs, Ceiling, Floor, Power, Rand, Square, Sqrt, and Round functions

ABS ( numeric_expression ) - ABS stands for absolute and returns, the absolute (positive) number. 

For example, Select ABS(-101.5) -- returns 101.5, without the - sign.

CEILING ( numeric_expression ) and FLOOR ( numeric_expression )
CEILING and FLOOR functions accept a numeric expression as a single parameter. CEILING() returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the parameter, whereas FLOOR() returns the largest integer less than or equal to the parameter. 

Select CEILING(15.2) -- Returns 16
Select CEILING(-15.2) -- Returns -15

Select FLOOR(15.2) -- Returns 15
Select FLOOR(-15.2) -- Returns -16

Power(expression, power) - Returns the power value of the specified expression to the specified power.

Example: The following example calculates '2 TO THE POWER OF 3' = 2*2*2 = 8
Select POWER(2,3) -- Returns 8

RAND([Seed_Value]) - Returns a random float number between 0 and 1. Rand() function takes an optional seed parameter. When seed value is supplied the 

RADN() function always returns the same value for the same seed.

Select RAND(1) -- Always returns the same value

If you want to generate a random number between 1 and 100, RAND() and FLOOR() functions can be used as shown below. Every time, you execute this query, you get a random number between 1 and 100.
Select FLOOR(RAND() * 100)

The following query prints 10 random numbers between 1 and 100.
Declare @Counter INT
Set @Counter = 1
While(@Counter <= 10)
Print FLOOR(RAND() * 100)
Set @Counter = @Counter + 1

SQUARE ( Number ) - Returns the square of the given number.

Select SQUARE(9) -- Returns 81

SQRT ( Number ) - SQRT stands for Square Root. This function returns the square root of the given value.

Select SQRT(81) -- Returns 9

ROUND ( numeric_expression , length [ ,function ] ) - Rounds the given numeric expression based on the given length. This function takes 3 parameters. 
1. Numeric_Expression is the number that we want to round.
2. Length parameter, specifies the number of the digits that we want to round to. If the length is a positive number, then the rounding is applied for the decimal part, where as if the length is negative, then the rounding is applied to the number before the decimal.
3. The optional function parameter, is used to indicate rounding or truncation operations. A value of 0, indicates rounding, where as a value of non zero indicates truncation. Default, if not specified is 0.

-- Round to 2 places after (to the right) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, 2) -- Returns 850.560

-- Truncate anything after 2 places, after (to the right) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, 2, 1) -- Returns 850.550

-- Round to 1 place after (to the right) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, 1) -- Returns 850.600

-- Truncate anything after 1 place, after (to the right) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, 1, 1) -- Returns 850.500

-- Round the last 2 places before (to the left) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, -2) -- 900.000

-- Round the last 1 place before (to the left) the decimal point
Select ROUND(850.556, -1) -- 850.000

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